Top 10k strings from Spectrum Computing - Issue 03 (1983)(ASP Software).tap
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9 ;" PRESS ANY KEY TO TURN PAGE " 8 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8 ~~~~<<<~~~~ 8 ;"START THE TAPE": 7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7 ;" STOP THE TAPE " 7 THEN PRESS ANY KEY 6 h;"Page ";a/h 6 MIKE WEBB 6 - Q to Quit": 6 " Press 2 or 3 for pages or Hold S for 6 6 5 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 5 <<<<<<<<<<< 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~<~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~<~~~~~~ 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~ 4 ~~~~~~~~<<<~~~~ 4 ~~~~~~~<~~~<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4 ~~~~~~~<~~~ 4 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3 ~~~~~~<~~~~~~~ 3 <<<<<<<<<<<<< 3 ;" ": 3 000000000000022220000000 3 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~<~~~~~~r~~ 2 ~~~~~~~<~~~<~~~~r~~~~~~~~ 2 |<<<<<<<<<<< 2 x(t),y(t);" ": 2 w;" ROTATING ": 2 h;" 48K Only": 2 ZOrev 2 WWrev 2 TDrev 2 TArev 2 SPrev 2 N<~~~~~~~~< 2 JJrev 2 CODE 2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 2 ;" START THE TAPE ": 2 ;" PRESS ANY KEY TO TURN PAGE ": 2 " 2 2 2 2 2 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<<<<> 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<~~~~~~<~~~~~~~ 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~y 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~<~~~~~~b~~ 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~<~~~~~~Z~~ 1 ~~~~~~~<~~~<~~~~b~~~~~~~~ 1 ~~~~~~~<~~~<~~~~Z~~~~~~~~ 1 ~|B<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 1 ~BB<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 1 ~@BBRB@|RB@ 1 |BR~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<~~~~ 1 |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 1 |<<<<<<<<<<<<< 1 z(q)=z(j+q) 1 z(e+q+ct)=z(q) 1 your- self (that's you on the right). Th 1 y(q)=y(j+q) 1 y(e+q+ct)=y(q) 1 x(t),y(t);b$(e(t)) 1 x(q)=x(j+q) 1 x(e+q+ct)=x(q) 1 whereelse could you get 2 games onone tape for just `2.99? 1 w;" STOP THE TAPE " 1 t;"Q TO QUIT" 1 t;"'z' TO MOVE DOWN",, 1 t;"'m' TO FIRE" 1 t;"'a' TO MOVE UP",, 1 t,t,t,t,-t,t,-t,-t,t,-t,t,t 1 t,t,-t,t,-t,-t,-t,-t,-t,-t,t,-t 1 t,e;" START THE TAPE": 1 t 1 scroll 1 score=score+e(t)*10 1 score=1920 1 reviews2 2 1 reviews1 @ 1 programming tipsin action is really neat." 1 pic 1 per LOAD, so you don't lose a picture to get at the text. Change two is that the picture can be called up at any time repeatedly, without losing your place in the text." 1 of which I am Chairman and FirstContact Person." 1 o,w;"CUBE OUT OF SCREEN ": 1 o,w;" ": 1 nosubscription has yet beenraised! 1 mission 1 manchester 1 lambeth 1 i;"PRESS ANY KEY TO TURN PAGE": 1 heeeeeeeeeeeeeei l k gffffffffffffffj 1 hack 1 h;"16K or 48K": 1 h;" 48K Only": 1 h;" 16K or 48K": 1 es thesize of the 'wi 1 e;"PRESS ANY KEY" 1 d 1 ct>max-t-e 1 coverpage o 1 cover 1 c 1 build 3d 1 brum 1 blancein all but colour betwe 1 and PAPER" 1 aces high 1 a(w),b(w): 1 a$="r")-(a$="b" 1 a$="o")-(a$="n" 1 a$="m")-(a$="a" 1 a$=" " 1 a 1 `_ 1 ^_ 1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ WIZARD PRANG, NOTED SEER ^^ PRESTIDIGITATION DONE CHEAP ^^ CHARMS CONCOCTED, PALMS READ ^^ NO FEET TOO LARGE OR SMALL ^^ PRESS KEY FOR REVELATION ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^b 1 Z<~~~~~~~~< 1 Z<<<<<<<<<< 1 Z(Q)=ZZ*CA-YY*SA 1 Z(Q)=ZZ*CA+XX*SA 1 Z(Q)=Z(Q)+D 1 Z(Q)=Z(Q)*Sc 1 YOU HAVE BEEN CAPTURED BY THE PIGMIES AND THE ONLY WAY TO ESCAPE IS THROUGH THE PIGMIE DEATH RUN 1 YOU HAD BETTER WATCH YOUR TIME BECAUSE IF YOU RUN OUT IT MEANS INSTANT DEATH 1 Y(Q)=YY*CA-XX*SA 1 Y(Q)=YY*CA+ZZ*SA 1 Y(Q)=Y(Q)+D 1 Y(Q)=Y(Q)*Sc: 1 X(Q)=XX*CA-ZZ*SA 1 X(Q)=XX*CA+YY*SA 1 X(Q)=X(Q)+D 1 X(Q)=X(Q)*Sc: 1 X(Q),Y(Q),Z(Q) 1 WIZARD PRANG'S LITTLE BLACK BOX A MIRACLE OF MACHINE CODE NO SORCERY INVOLVED, HONEST! JUST A LITTLE CODE IN A LINE 1REM STATEMENT AND A BIT OF BAS- IC TO CALL IT UP A FEW TIMES ANDHANDLE THE PRINTING. ANYONE CAN DO IT ONCE THEY HAVE THE PROGRAMON BOARD. ALL THEY NEED TO DO ISDELETE THE WAFFLE IN LINES 10,20AND 30 AND INSERT THEIR OWN WOR-THY UTTERANCES. LINE 1 WON'T LIST PROPERLY BECAUSE IT'S FULL OF UNPRINTABLE CODES, SO LIST 2 IS ADVISED. IF ONE WOULD PREFER TO SEE THE REST OF THE MAGAZINE FIRST, ONE SHOULD PRESS M, OR PERHAPS ANOTHER DEMONSTRATION AND WE'LL JUST FORGET ABOUT THE BONFIRE, SHALL WE? RIGHT, WATCH CAREFULLY AND PRESS A KEY OTHER THAN M. NOTHING UP MY SLEEVE... B 1 WHERE :- L= LEFT 1 TODAYS GREATEST 1 THIS PROGRAM WILL ONLY ALLOWYOU TO PLAY PART OF OUR LATEST PROGRAM JUNGLE FEVER 1 THE MOVEMENT CONTROLS ARE 1 THE ATTRIBUTES ARE NOT SCROLLED SO YOU CAN PRINT IN INVISIBLE INK AND SLOW SCROLL INTO VISIBILITY OR A DIFFERENT COLOUR, SEE LINE 1000. 1 TEL 061 223 6206 1 STOP THE TAPE 1 STOP TAPE MESSAGE 1 START THE TAPE 1 SETS UP HILLS 1 S......START 1 Robert J. Baker,"'"54 Brixton Road,"'"London,"'"SW9 6BS."''" 1 ROTATE MODEL IN 3D ": 1 REACHED ONE OF TODAYS 1 R$=R$+" ": 1 Protect yellow paper 1 Protect red paper 1 Player 1 wins 1 PAINTER (48K)....`5.80 1 MIKE WEBB d 1 MIKE WEBB ^ 1 MIKE WEBB 2 1 MIKE WEBB , 1 MANCHESTER M18 7JD 1 L R R J J J J L L R 1 KEMPSTON JOYSTICK 1 JUNGLE j 1 INVERSE VIDEO 1 INSTRUCTIONS 1 IF YOU WOULD LIKE THE FULL 10 SCREEN VERSION (13 ON 48K) THEN SEND A CHEQUE OR POSTAL ORDER FOR `6.90 TO:- 1 IF USING AN AGF 1 HIGH SCORES,PLEASE ENTER 1 H.......HOLD 1 GGGGGGG22200222 1 FROGGER (48K)....`5.80 1 FIRE BOTH GIVE JUMP 1 F<~~~~~~~~< 1 Delete this line if you like 1 DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDBBBBBBDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDBDDDDBDDDDDDDDDDDDDAAADDDDBDDDDDCCCCDBDDDDDDDDDDDDDAAADDDDBDDDDDCCCCDBDDDDDDDDDDDDDAAADDDDBDDDDDCCCCDBDDDDDDDDDDDDDAAADDDDBDDDDDCCCCDBDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDBDDDDDCBDDDBBBDDBDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDBDBBBBCBDDDDDDDDBDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDBBBBBBCCDDDDDDDBDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDBDDDDDDCDDDDDDDBDDDDADDDDDDDDDDDBDDDDDDCDDBBBBBBDDDDADDDDDDDDDDDBDDDDDDBBBBDDDDDDDDDADDDDDDDDDDDBDDDDDDDDDDDDDADDDDDFDDDDDDDDDBBBDDDDDDDDDDDDDADDDDDADDDDEEEDDBDFFFDDDDGGGDDDDADDDDDADDDDEEEDDBDFFFDDDDGGGDDDDADDDDDADDDDEEEBBBDFFFDDDDGGGDDDDADDDDDADDDDEEEBDDDFFFDDDDGGGDDDDADDDDDADDDDDDDBDDDBBBBBBDDDDDDDDADDDDDADDDDDDDBDDDBDDDDBDDDDDDDDAAAAAAADDDDDDDBDDDBDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDBBBBBDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 1 Computer Club",," 1 Colour mixing demo 1 CRAZY BALLOONS....`5.80 1 CONGRATULATIONS YOU HAVE 1 CODE AT 23760,106- NOT RELOCATABLE WITHOUT REWRITE, SORRY! USR 23760 WILL SLOW SCROLL ALL BUT BOTTOM LINE UP ONE LINE.POKE 23761,X WILL CHANGE ROUTINETO SCROLL ALL BUT BOTTOM LINE UPBY X PIXELS (8 PIXELS PER LINE) 1 CLEAR SCREEN ": 1 CAN YOU LEAP RAGING WATER FALLS , SWING ACROSS DEEP PITS AND DODGE SPIDERS AND POISONED BLOW DARTS. 1 B~|<<<~B<<~ 1 Beginners especially welcome." 1 BBVVVVBBvvppppppppppppppppppppvvBGGGGGGBvppppppppppppppppppprrrvBBBBBBBBvppppppppppppppppppprrpvBGGGGGGBvsspsppppppppppppppprrpvBBVVVVBBvssspspppppppppppppppppvEEEEEEEEvsssssspppppppsppppppprvEGGGGGGEvssssssqqqppppsspppppppvEGGGGGGEvpqsssssqqqqqqssppprpppvEGGGGGGEvqqqssssqqqqqqpspppppppvEEEEEEEEvqqqqsssqqqqqqpsppsrpppvGGGGGANAvqqqppsspppppppppppppppvGGGGGNNNvqqppppsppprrpppsppppppvGGGGGNNNvpqpssppppprrppppspppppvGGGGGNNNvsssssspppppsppssppppppvGGGGGAOAvssssssspppppssspppppppvOODDDFFBvsssssppsspssssppppppppvOONNNNNNvppqqppppppppppppppppppvOOBBEEEEvppqqpppppprrppppppppppvOONNNNNNvqpqqppppppppppppppppppvOODDDFBBvpppppppprrppppppppppppvOONNNNNNvppppppppppppppppppppppvBWWWWWWBvpprrppppppppppppppppppvBWWWWWWBvppppppppppppppppppppppvBWWWWWWBvvvvvppppppppppppvvvvvvv 1 BASIC 1 B@|BBB|BBB| 1 B@BBJB@DJB@ 1 B@BBBB@BBB@ 1 B$= "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ WIZARD PRANG, NOTED SEER ^^ PRESTIDIGITATION DONE CHEAP ^^ CHARMS CONCOCTED, PALMS READ ^^ NO FEET TOO LARGE OR SMALL ^^ PRESS KEY FOR REVELATION ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^" 1 And to be able to 1 ANOTHER GO (Y/N) 1 ALSO AVAILABLE FROM A & F ARE 1 ALL ON THE BOTTOM ROW 1 AIRCRAFT FIRE 1 ADVERT FOR PRANG THE WIZARD, WHITE MAGICIAN IN MANY COLOURS, GENIUS, VISIONARY, AND CONSULTANT TO DRABS AND WIERDS 1 A&F software 1 A$=A$+ "ON BOARD. ALL THEY NEED TO DO ISDELETE THE WAFFLE IN LINES 10,20AND 30 AND INSERT THEIR OWN WOR-THY UTTERANCES. LINE 1 WON'T LIST PROPERLY BECAUSE IT'S FULL OF UNPRINTABLE CODES, SO LIST 2 IS ADVISED. IF ONE WOULD PREFER TO SEE THE REST OF THE MAGAZINE FIRST, ONE SHOULD PRESS M, OR " 1 A$=A$+ "PERHAPS ANOTHER DEMONSTRATION AND WE'LL JUST FORGET ABOUT THE BONFIRE, SHALL WE? RIGHT, WATCH CAREFULLY AND PRESS A KEY OTHER THAN M. NOTHING UP MY SLEEVE... " 1 A$= "WIZARD PRANG'S LITTLE BLACK BOX A MIRACLE OF MACHINE CODE NO SORCERY INVOLVED, HONEST! JUST A LITTLE CODE IN A LINE 1REM STATEMENT AND A BIT OF BAS- IC TO CALL IT UP A FEW TIMES ANDHANDLE THE PRINTING. ANYONE CAN DO IT ONCE THEY HAVE THE PROGRAM" 1 A & F SOFTWARE LTD (T.O.) 1 @|J~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 @DF~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 @Bb~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 =Sideslip"''' 1 =Immelman 1 =120 Degree turn"'' 1 = 60 Degree Turn"''" 1 <|<<<<<<<<> 1 <@|B<B~|<B~ 1 <<>F<<<<<<<<<<><<<<< 1 <<<<>||<<<<> 1 <<<<<<<<<> 1 <<<<<<<<<<<> 1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<b<<<<<<<< 1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Z<<<<<<<< 1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<b<< 1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Z<< 1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<> 1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<< 1 ;"good read for dedicated digit twisters, but don't expect any handy hints for new chums. I expect you have been wonder-ing about the strange colours inour rainbow border (unless you have already peeked at line 10 within). If not, then do so, we have nothing to hide." 1 ;"clear the bottom part as well as the top. " 1 ;"_____________________________________"; 1 ;"Yours euphorically,"; 1 ;"YOU SCORED ";score 1 ;"WIZARD'S WARRIORS from ABERSOFT"; 1 ;"TO LOAD NEXT ITEM": 1 ;"THE MAXIMUM POSSIBLE!!!!" 1 ;"TERROR-DAKTIL by MELBOURNE HOUSE"; 1 ;"Standard Sermon " 1 ;"START TAPE": 1 ;"START TAPE" 1 ;"SCORE ";score 1 ;"R.Eccleston"' 1 ;"Press ENTER to repeat, else any key." 1 ;"Player 2 ";: 1 ;"Player 1 ";: 1 ;"PRESS R TO READ AGAIN"' 1 ;"PRESS ANY OTHER KEY"' 1 ;"PRESS ALMOST ANY KEY TO CONTINUE" 1 ;"PLEASE NOTE THIS IS A DEMONSTRATION OF A & F SOFTWARE'S LATEST PROGRAM JUNGLE FEVER YOU WILL ONLY BE ABLE TO PLAY PART OF IT TO GIVE YOU AN IDEA OF WHAT THE GAME IS ABOUT" 1 ;"Manchester" 1 ;"LOW LEVEL MISSION" 1 ;"JUMPING JACK from IMAGINE": 1 ;"I think that your newmag 1 ;"Hall Green"' 1 ;"Guy Inchbald"; 1 ;"Birmingham" 1 ;", by Drs. Ian Logan and Frank O'Hara, but be warned, it assumes you know Z80 assembly language already. A " 1 ;"********************************* ** SECOND REVIEW SECTION ** ** 1 ;"**********": 1 ;"**********" 1 ;" x to Exit" 1 ;" STOP THE TAPE - PRESS ANY KEY " 1 ;" START THE TAPE " 1 ;" Also,some explanation of" 1 ;" This would mean that you coulduse the two parts of the screen independently, printing to them and clearing them separately, (is there anyone out there who hasn't heard of PRINT #1 yet?) except that the CLS command does"+ 1 ;" TRANZ AM from ULTIMATE"; 1 ;" See, the blue box above was originally printed down here, but it was scrolled out with USR3582 and so survived USR 3438. Press any key to continue." 1 ;" STILL LOADING - LET TAPE RUN " 1 ;" Of course you can get around that by using PRINT AT, but hereis another little cutie. A call to USR 3582 will scroll all 24 lines up one without telling thesystem variables, so you can gettext to scroll up out of the area the system has marked as the lower screen and when you clear the lower part, the moved" 1 ;" Most of the subroutines in theSpectrum ROM expect to find datain the Z80's registers when theyare called. This makes it diffi-cult to call them directly from BASIC with USR because there is no way in BASIC to pass data to the machine registers." 1 ;" LOADING - LET TAPE RUN" 1 ;" If you want to know more aboutthe Spectrum ROM, then the book to get is The Complete Spectrum ROM Disassembly"; 1 ;" However, there is one very handy routine that doesn't need any parameters passed to it. Itsfunction is to clear just the lower part of the screen, and itcan be called with USR 3438." 1 ;" ANY KEY TO PLAY OR Q TO QUIT " 1 ;" The BORDER command changes colour every 50th of a second held in place by a PAUSE 1. That's all for this issue. Press a key for a flashy purple border and again to start over." 1 ;" STOP TAPE - PRESS ANY KEY "; 1 ;" SNAKEPIT from POSTERN"; 1 ;" SEPT/NOV ISSUE 1 ;" Press ANY key to 1 ;" ZZOOM from IMAGINE"; 1 ;" T.J.KAYE" 1 ;" HACKER'S HANGOUT PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE ",,,,,, 1 ; " Press a key for a real time interactive demonstration beforeyour very eyes." 1 ; "text will remain. Prang's fancy slow scroll would do the same thing a bit more regally. Press any key to continue." 1 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::8888888888888888888999888888888888888888888888888889998888888888::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::8888;;;88888888888888888888888888888;;;8888888888888888888888888::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::88888888888<<<88888888888888888888888888888<<<888888888888888888::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;88888888888888888888888888888888 1 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888! 1 830 HYDE ROAD 1 50000000000000000000000000000005000000000000000000000000000000000000000002222222222220000000 000000000222222222222222000000 0 """""""""""""""" % % 1 22222222222222 1 222222222222 1 22200222GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG22200222GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG22200222GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG22200222GGGGGG 1 2220022222222222444444442222222222200222222222244,,,,,,4422222222220022222222244,,,,,,,,442222222220 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 22 LINES MAXIMUM TEXT IN A$ BUT LESS OK 1 000000000004400000000000 1 000000000000022226660000 1 00000000000000000000000000000000022222222222222222222222222222200222 1 000000000000000000000000 1 000000000000 1 ,t;"USE THE FOLLOWING KEYS",, 1 ,t+w;"BUILDER",,, 1 ,o;" ACES HIGH - TWO PILOT DOGFIGHT BY PAUL GAUSDEN",,," PRESS ANY KEY EXCEPT C TO SEE VIEW FROM COCKPITS (ALTERNATES BETWEEN PILOT ONE AND TWO) AND THEN PRESS C TO ENTER MOVES.": 1 ,," BUILDER 3D - C.ANDREW 1983": 1 ,"54, Brixton Road","London",,"SW9 6BS",,"27/5/83."''"Dear People,"; 1 , my personal best)." 1 +Y(Q)/(w+(Z(Q)/h)) 1 +X(Q)/(w+(Z(Q)/h)) 1 +"W\#"S\"K\6 1 *w*(a$="f" 1 *w*((a$="e" 1 *w*((a$="d" 1 ** *********************************" 1 *((i<o)-(i> 1 (x(t),y(t))=44 1 ((c-a)/(d-b+.001 1 ((a-c)*(a-c)+(b-d)*(b-d)) 1 'Spectrum Computing' 1 ''" ^=Forward 1 ''" Player 1 Damage =";df'" Player 2 Damage =";de 1 '" PLEASE DO NOT STOP THE TAPE UNTIL ALL THE MACHINE CODE IS LOADED";: 1 ' " DETAIL OF HOW TO OBTAIN THE FULL VERSION WILL BE GIVEN LATER" 1 %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF%%% %%%FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF%%% %%%FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF%%% %%% 1 %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 #o;"""R"" RE-RUNS": 1 #o;" X TO EXIT OR ANY TO PLAY AGAIN ": 1 #"a\"c\"e\>82 1 "{~bbbb",10213 1 "your Lambeth readers. Altogetherwe span quite a wide range ofinterests - graphics, databasemanagement, computer-assistedwargaming, etc." 1 "you'll get for your money, 1 "you will agree that the changes are an improvement. Change one is that there is only one 1 "x}bbbb",11195 1 "wizard's men are trickier."," A single high score feature, bonus lives and just the right interval to catch your breath between battles rounds it off nicely. You won't master this one in a hurry.": 1 "wghikb",14314 1 "vstbbb",10314 1 "vpqrst",13153 1 "truly inspired idea!! Quiteapart from the reviews, which atlast give a 1 "tol or a cannon (it makes a bet-ter cannon) describe a realistictrajectory, making marksmanship a trickier proposition than in most zap games."'" Joysticks are not supported,": 1 "to certain machine code sound routines, which cause a crash. We reported on this problem in regard to 'Timegate' in Issue 1.Apparently some would-be readersare having crash-on-load prob- lems with last Issue, (July/Aug)" 1 "the undeniably excellent content": 1 "the techniques used would be very welcome.For example,why do you use'Pi/Pi & Pi-Pi in one of your programmes instead of 1&0? and what does '#' do?" 1 "the facility to skip the scene setting twaddle that is such a pain the 50th time you have to sit through it. Some writers seem to put this guff in to pun-ish you for losing.": 1 "so saves five bytes."'" RANDOMISE USR is just a way ofmaking a call to a machine code program, it could be PRINT USR or LET A=USR, almost any commandwill do. I like RANDOMISE be- cause it doesn't try to PRINT anything on return or use up a variable, and it needs only one byte for the RANDOMISE token." 1 "self complete with thunderbolts. I thought that the resemblancein all but colour between the foe and my own men would be con-fusing, but it isn't. You only use one at a time, and he's easyenough to keep track of, the " 1 "see his position in the radar screen at the bottom). As you progress, you get fewer hiding places and more invisibility. NoI didn't get that far, just taketheir word for it. Eventually, it says here, the minions give out and you meet the Wizard him-" 1 "screen and you are given an ex- tra hazard on the next, to a maximum of 21 (there are 3 on our 1 "professional software producers could produce stunning SCREEN$ to promote their products!" 1 "producers can spend their time working wonders instead of re- working revision 2.6 of hangman. Speaking of which, our staff wizard, Prang, was nearly given the drop after last issue, only he can spell 'interupt' and I can't. He was on the carpet for" 1 "player 2 move ";a$: 1 "player 1 move ";a$: 1 "o}~bbb",10094 1 "over the machine stack, causing a crash."'" Another possible pitfall, or perhaps pratfall, may occur if you use a printer to list the program. If you look at the USR calls you will see that the ad- dresses are in the printer buf- fer. The printer will work OK," 1 "obviously are other versions of the tape. Some of these other versions for inferior computers apparently support joysticks. I wish the Spectrum version did. Then even arthritic old hacks could play.": 1 "lmoqrs",15105 1 "like everyone else's cassettes? Having to load the contents pageevery time I want to look some- thing up is rather irritating." 1 "learn from the whole of the mag including the listings. Where problems do arise it is most likely because we have to reset the ramtop to get some of the programs into the 16k mach- ines. You may think that this little chat is just because I like the sound of my keyboard" 1 "invisible 6 byte binary version of every number in addition to the ASCII codes which are print-ed as the decimal number that you see. Another dodge is to use 1 "ijkbbb",11253 1 "hopes that the problem can be eliminated by a software change,but as very few Spectrums exhi- bit this fault, it is obviously a hardware problem."," If our siren crashes you, thencall Sir and holler 'uncle'." 1 "handwarmer I expect."," Those serious souls with moralobjections to shoot-em-up toys are going to hate this game. Theenemy are not the only ones you shoot, as the refugees keep get-ting in the way. When you shoot one of them he leaps into the": 1 "handled. Some people have come acropper when playing about with the programs in our magazine, and have assumed that we have incorporated protection measuresto discourage this. Not so! We hope our readers (or whatever) will read, enjoy and possibly" 1 "even SRL know this."'" In fact, the Spectrumversion is even 1 "effect, as you have seen."''" Finally, before I sign off,a quick plug for the" 1 "due to a similar reaction to our'Stop Tape' alarm, hence Prang'sdiscomfiture as guilty author. If your Spectrum is one of thefew that are affected, then you may have trouble 'reading' the rest of this magazine. We are investigating the phenomenon in" 1 "crashing reader's Spectrums by telekinesis, but as we were get-ting the thumbscrews out, he came up with a plausible explan-ation, which we pass on to you. Some Spectrums are sensitive" 1 "computer superior to all others,and I mean that sincerely folks,is that it is standard. They areall the same, apart from memory size. Issue one can't be told from issue two with a program, (that's a joke, son) but only byphysical examination. Software" 1 "colours separately. To show youjust what I mean, and how to doit, there follows a short exam-ple:": 1 "cdeyz~",15183 1 "but the program won't work any- more because of USR calls to no longer existing programs. ASP would no doubt persecute anyone attempting a commercial ripoff of our software, but we are not in the business of frus-trating our public, (that's the word!) not on purpose, anyway." 1 "but the keyboard is usable, withup, down, left and right buttonsand any bottom row key to fire. The reptiles are hard to shootonce they leave the flock, as they approach pretty fast, and you must hit the body. Perhaps" 1 "because of the size of the high res image, the swooping dactils don't move very smoothly, takingtime to draw even in machine code. It's not too noticeable inthe heat of battle."'" There is a five name hi-score feature, a bathroom button, and a demo mode, but most welcome is" 1 "awghjk",13183 1 "are supported, so that's okay. Interesting side issue. This tape incorporates the same anti-copy protection as Ultimate's Tranz Am. One wonders which of these giants is copying which inthis amusing area. Own up guys!": 1 "and you start again, but keep the higher speed. Suddenly I've lost my appetite. There are somegames that one should not iden- tify with too much."," The controls for left, right, up and down are Q,W,P and L, which is much better than, say, the cursor keys. It's a fine ar-rangement in fact, but read on." 1 "almno|",10314 1 "air and falls off behind the ho-rizon. That costs points, but what is worse (and very easy) isto fly your plane too low and crash. Us journalists get a spe-cial tape giving us 255 lives (Imagine know how hopeless we all are) but you get only 5." 1 "after each successful leap, mak-ing it harder to avoid falling back down. Falling or banging Jack's head on the ceiling will result in a period of unconsci- ousness, during which he is morethan likely to fall through ano-ther gap. Get to the top of one" 1 "achijk",11085 1 "aax}~b",13205 1 "aawz~b",13203 1 "aaubbb",11055 1 "aalm}b",14194 1 "aaavrs",14152 1 "aaaav~",14215 1 "aaaaau",15224 1 "aaaaaa",16125 1 "You also get a hold button."," Every so often you get a nightscreen, but you can still see. There are also two navigation aids, a short-range radar and a map of all the petrol pumps (on the left, above the speedo)." 1 "What you have just seen was doneby this routine:"''': 1 "To join the Club, simply writeto:"''" 1 "PRESS ""T"" & ""U"" FOR FORWARD/BACK": 1 "PRESS ""R"" 1 "PRESS ""I"" FOR INSTRUCTIONS": 1 "PRESS ""D"" 1 "PRESS ""C"" 1 "PRESS ""6"" & ""7"" FOR UP/DOWN ": 1 "PRESS ""5"" & ""8"" FOR LEFT/RIGHT ": 1 "P.S. Hope this fits in 16K": 1 "Impressive, huh? The reason whythis works is that, assuming nocolour is currently 8, to do an'INK 8' is equivalent to 'POKE23694,7'. Of the 256 possibili-ties for MASK_P (23694), only16 are actually used by the ROM.You can use the others to great" 1 "I wouldn't mind betting that not": 1 "Dear SPECTRUM COMPUTING"'" I liked the idea of your on- screen magazine so much, I just had to send you a letter of con-gratulation and how better than on tape?" 1 "Although, as the name implies,we are a local group rather thana user group, we do have a largeZX subgroup, most of whom haveSpectra (all 48K, as it happens)so would be of great interest to" 1 "8";"START THE TAPE": 1 "16K OR 48K SPECTRUM ?"; 1 ""z"" which equals 122 and" 1 ""U"" KEYSbuilding up a 3D construction. 1 ""7"" which saves three bytes,or 1 " Whilst LOADing programs for example, wouldn't it be possibleto display adverts? Why not an advertising section? Surely the" 1 " Thirdly,would it be possible to have a cassette cover which included the contents along withtheir names for loading?It couldbe printed on the card on which the tape is sold and the user could simply cut it out." 1 " Secondly,as the SPECTRUM's big-gest selling point must surely be its sound and graphics capabilities,I think perhaps youcould have used them to greater advantage to lend more style to" 1 " SPECTRUM COMPUTING-ISSUE THREE SEPT./NOV. 1 " I trust you will not be offend-ed if I offer one or two obser- vations." 1 " I found rather puzzling the command 'RANDOMIZE USR',which featured in both the'SPEECH' and'PENETRATOR', programs as a verydefinite function was required and not a random at all. Could you perhaps explain this for me?" 1 " However,I did miss the detail- ed 'line-by-line' explanation that many magazines give and which help so when one is takingones first steps. Perhaps you could include these in future issues?" 1 " Firstly,being new to computing,I find it very useful to be ableto both RUN and LIST programs so readily without the chore of three hours typing! " 1 " Finally,may I thank you for an excellent magazine which offers tremendous scope for the exchange of ideas,information, news and views amongst users in a new and exciting way." 1 " Ed Sounds Off next page Two Dog Fight ""aces high"" Letters From... ""brum"" And... ""lambeth"" Plus... ""manchester"" Low Level... ""mission"" A&F Software Ad ""jungle"" Games Reviews ""reviews1""" 1 " Wouldn't it have been nice if,instead of prematurely announc- ing microdrives, then not pro- ducing them, Uncle (now demoted to Sir) had announced joysticks,and not produced them instead?" 1 " When the shape is finished it may be viewed at other angles bypressing ""D"" or automatically ifthe arrays overflow (PDQ in 16K)": 1 " When all the eggs are gone youcan eat snakes, provided you go for the tail. The other end can still eat you. Clear the screen": 1 " Welcome to our third issue." 1 " We will be having more advertsas soon as the advertising peo- ple become aware of the possi- bilities of our format. Very conservative bunch. " 1 " We do try to sprinkle helpful REMS about the place, but your queries involve techniques for cheating bytes where memory is already tight, obviously not a place where we can afford REMs. 1 " Ultimate claim that the actualplaying surface is 600 times thesize of the 'window' displayed, which would make it about 20 by 30 feet on my telly, quite a layout. The features seem to stay put too, so it should be possible to learn the terrain.": 1 " Total immersion is a must, be-cause the necessary strategy is very complex. All Jack has to dois get to the top of the screen,by jumping through the holes in each level. But, the holes are moving, not all in the same di- rection, and a new one appears": 1 " This magazine is made up of a number of articles and programs chained together in a manner similar to the 'HORIZONS' tape that came with your computer." 1 " This is simply the best arcadegame I have yet seen for the Spectrum, with extremely well thought out graphics and fast, smooth movement, and all in 3D perspective that really works." 1 " There is a simplicity in this game's controls akin to that of Pacman or Invaders, which allowsthe player to get totally invol-ved without worrying about the buttons, of which there are onlythree, for left, right and jump." 1 " There is a lot going on here, and it all happens very fast. Ifyou make it to phase two, it ap-parently speeds up, but I'm not in a position to say. Pity, be- cause phase two is where you getto eat the snakes, having had torun from them until all the eggsare eaten." 1 " There are two land screens andone seascape, with tanks, planesand boats attacking in various combinations. A joystick is a must, keyboard control is just too complex when the shooting starts. Five kinds of joystick" 1 " There are only 8 cups, so it should be feasible to find them all. I managed 2 right off. I wonder what happens then?"," You can use Kempston joysticksbut the keyboard controls are fine, giving a choice of keys for left, right, go and stop." 1 " The word 'addiction' does a perfectly good job in the field of medicine and will not be ap- plied by me to an innocent game.However, Jumping Jack from Imag-ine (16K or 48K) does have that certain compulsive quality." 1 " The speedometer, temperature and fuel gauges all work in an intelligent way. Putting along (it goes putt-putt!) at maximum speed for too long will cause overheating and subsequent mis- fire, for instance." 1 " The red snake is the only one that can eat eggs besides your- self (that's you on the right). The others have to stay in theirrooms til he lets them out, un- less dum-dum does it. This givesyou a little space at the begin-ning to eat some nice green eggsbefore it's time to run away." 1 " The previous SCREEN$ was gene-rated using subroutines from this program.",," In the listing these routines are flagged in 1 " The object here is to find thetrophy cups scattered around theUSA, which is populated only by kamikazi cars out to smash into your own red racer. You have to avoid obstacles, overheating andrunning out of petrol." 1 " The easiest way to use it is to go through the articles in sequence, following the prompts.However, there is a table of contents on the next page, for those who wish to go straight toa particular article or program." 1 " The cassette inlay doesn't letyou know much about this game. Lucky you've got me. Joysticks are supported, good, but which ones? Kempston and AGF it turns out, but this is revealed only in the on-screen instructions. Maddening to Fuller owners." 1 " Thanks, Robert, for the kind words, and may I say that the magazine is all the better for letters like yours! -Ed": 1 " So do dig about, you'll miss half the magazine if you don't. It may be more complex than you thought, but it's an open book." 1 " Please note that some files load in an unusual fashion. Do not stop the tape until you see a flashing prompt and hear the hooter." 1 " No other quibbles, this is a tidy production, with different mazes and progressive difficultythrough the levels. Your turn tobe the little green men, the en-emy is blue, yellow, white and/ or invisible (but you can always": 1 " Jack is the stick figure in our still. His animation as he runs and jumps is superb, and the hazards throb or wobble in amenacing way. There is some kindof poem that keeps intruding on the play and should be dumped, but in every other way authors Albert Ball and Son are ahead ofthe game with this one.": 1 " It won't interest our uniform-ly honest readers, but Ultimate have found a protection routine that might well defeat the copy tapes. Larcenous 12-year-olds, smartass editors and other clev-er dicks will always find a way.": 1 " In this program, a CUBE is moved in 3 dimensions using the CURSOR KEYS 1 " In fact, I'm hard put to find something to criticise. Must re-tain a balance. Oh yes, there isvery little in the way of sound effects during the action, only a buzz when bombs explode. Too much else going on to get a lot of noises out of the hardworking" 1 " INSTRUCTIONS MAY BE VIEWED WITHOUT ERASING IMAGE" 1 " I wouldn't want to play this one without joysticks either, asthere are 4 direction controls and a fire button. That's one more than I can handle without special training or removing a shoe. " 1 " I know it sounds daft, but thepoint is that anyone else wish- ing to market joysticks or joy- stick software would certainly conform to the standard announc-ed. Sinclair would have had to release details to the software writers, so everyone would know." 1 " I kept hoping for Raquel to pop up in her fur bikini, but nosuch luck, just an inexhaustablesupply of flying reptiles. Melbourne call this 4D, which apparently means 3d with rather nice sunrises (and presumably sunsets too, if you get that far) time being the fourth D." 1 " Great minds think alike, Guy. An adventure serial is one idea we have been looking at, and a battle-of-the-giants chess re- view was planned for this issue.What with the heat wave and thenthunderstorms knocking out the electricity we just couldn't keep the giants fighting. Some of them take over nine hours to move at the top level, by which time they were more than likely to have crashed. Coming soon! - ED " 1 " By the time you read this, themicrodrives should be appearing,but we certainly won't have a standard joystick. Software is being written with menus full ofjoysticks, and still some types get left out. Pity, because one of the things that makes 'our'" 1 " All the dimensions are con- vincing, with the daktils mass- ing on the horizon like space invaders stood on end until theypluck up courage for individual assaults. The rounds from what Melbourne call variously a pis-" 1 " All of Postern's games come ina big box with a big instructioncard that won't fit in the cas- sette case. The instructions arefor several computers, so there" 1 " Press 2 or 1 " I think 1 " I hope you can read my hand- writing!" 1 " How about doing comparative reviews, e.g. of every chess program around in one issue and all spreadsheets in the next?" 1 " Here's a variation on your border pattern. Look at my list-ing to see how it is done. A machine-code routine could pro- duce some ace effects (hint)." 1 " Gosh, you could serialise an adventure game with a new situ- ation each issue, have animated cartoons, a 48K spot, get Uncle Clive to plug his LOGO package, run this letter..." 1 " And how about printing a listof CONTENTS on the packaging, 1 " Unfortunately, our onlymeeting scheduled so far willhave long passed by the time youread this. However, we hope tomeet monthly.": 1 " Talking of which, did youknow that the way the Spectrum's'PAPER (etc.) 8' commands workgive it capabilities equivalentto the Lynx 'PROTECT' command?" 1 " Another thing of note isthat, as of today at least, 1 " PRESS ANY KEY" 1 " Review Section"''" Our unique on-screen, what- you-see-is-what-you-get reviews have been well received by our readers, (viewers? audience?) well, you lot out there. Lesser mortals would crouch simpering on their laurels, but we could not resist fiddling ab-out with the format. Hopefully" 1 " CONTENTS " 1 " " 1 " 1 " 1 " 1 " 1 " 1 " 1 " 1 player 2 wins 1 isthe best thing since sliced str-ings! For software and software reviews the on-screen presenta- tion puts all other mags in the stone age (well, the mashed treeage anyway)." 1 ghijklmn 1 actually uses up four bytes less memory than 1, be- cause the Spectrum stores an" 1 Z TRANSLATION 1 Z ROTATION 1 Y TRANSLATION 1 Y ROTATION 1 X TRANSLATION 1 X ROTATION 1 THIS ROUTINE PROBABLY WON'T WORK WITH THE FABLED MICRODRIVE AS THE BASIC PROGRAM AREA WILL BE SHIFTED 1 STILL LOADING - LET TAPE RUN 1 SCALING (OVERALL) 1 MIKE WEBB 1983 1 Lost contact 1 GAME OVER 1 DRAW THE CUBE 1 Both players lose 1 BEHIND YOU 1 ASP LTD. 1983 145 CHARING CROSS ROAD - LONDON WC2H OEE TEL. 01-437 1002 EDITOR IOLO DAVIDSON " 1 ASP 1983 " 1 3-SPACE TO 2-SPACE 1 +, 1 powerful,as you can protect 1 medium 1 idea of what" 1 press any key to turn page 1 With luck, we might beable to keep it that way." 1 Press any key to continue 1 " Prang's Fancy... ""scroll"" More Reviews ""reviews2"" Round the Houses ""build 3d"" Hacker's Hangout ""hack""" 1 "bleep, but we need some kind of header to reset ramtop and LOAD CODE to chain the reviews into the magazine. If you load an in-dividual review, it may write " 1 " The other changes are in the way the technical aspects are" 1 " Putting #1 or #0 in a PRINT statement sends the text to the lower part of the screen, where you can't ordinarily print. The rules are a little different down there but it's very useful for 'press any key' messages andthe like, giving me a bit more room for pontification purposes. -ED" 1 1 1 1 1